Bonus Adventure: The Briars Park – Emu Buddy & Other Photos

I had some more photos of The Briars that I thought I’d share with you guys, especially the emu ones! It really is a picturesque area, and there’s so much interesting wildlife ❤

Daily Adventure: The Briars Park – Part 2

I hope you all enjoyed the last part to The Briars Park adventure! Last time I wrote about the trails that are available, as well as the cafe Angus & Rose (click here to see Part 1 if you haven’t already, or you just want a recap).


So, after I’d enjoyed my iced chocolate at Angus & Rose, I wandered over to Josephine’s Restaurant to see if they were open for Lunch. Unfortunately for me, they were all booked out for a wedding! I have been there for tea and scones before, and can say that it was delicious, but I would wholeheartedly recommend that you try calling and booking before you go, so you don’t end up walking in on a wedding reception! I have done that twice now, so I think I’ll be taking my own advice next time…

Just a little bit further along the road from Josephine’s is the Mornington Peninsula Shire Nursery. You can buy plants from there for all sorts of different soil types and environments, or you can just wander around and have a look at what’s on offer. I personally liked the selection of wetlands plants, although I’d have nowhere to put them!

Nursery Many plants Close up

Of course, no trip to the Briars would be complete without taking a look at the Homestead. If you’re into history, then I would recommend getting a tour of the Homestead, as it has a fascinating story! If you’re not there at the right time for a tour, then you may not be able to go inside, but the exterior of the building is just as beautiful, and the view from the porch is amazing ❤

Homestead Sign Homestead

Despite being right next to the highway, The Briars Park feels peaceful and secluded. There’s some fascinating information available for the history buffs, and plenty of nature trails and wildlife for the outdoorsy types. It’s even great just for a picnic, if you’re looking for a scenic spot for lunch. The Briars is a well-maintained, beautiful place and I would say it’s a must have on your itinerary if you’re ever in the area ❤

Daily Adventure: The Briars Park – Part 1

This time I went to The Briars Park, which is in Mt Martha, Victoria, just off the Nepean Highway. I’ve been there several times before; it’s actually where I did my Year 10 work experience. The staff are all lovely and helpful, so don’t be afraid to ask them for help, or a map!

Info Centre
The information centre has maps and other useful resources

When you arrive at the park, you drive along a gravel road past rolling hills covered in hay bales and small, yellow flowers. A wonderful welcome to some beautiful grounds ❤

Rolling hills
A lovely welcome to The Briars Park

There are several things to see and do at The Briars, but I started with some of the walking tracks (click here for a map of the trails). I began my walk with the Wetland Walk, as the two bird hides are great spots to relax and listen to the sounds of nature. On some days I’ve been able to spot birds of prey in the sky, but unfortunately I couldn’t see any this time. There are always birds swimming on the lake though, and there are so many different species living there, each visit will be different from the last!

Bird is the word Hide#2 The Wetlands

I followed the boardwalk for a while, and at the end of the Wetlands Walk I spotted the lookout which gives a wonderful view of the hilly surroundings. The lookout also acts as a sort of crossroads, with the various trails leading there at some point along the track.

Boardwalk View from trail

I then wandered back to the information centre via the Woodland Walk, and I’m very glad I did because it was along that path that I spotted an Emu! (More about that in an upcoming post).

Gully Trail Emu#2

After wandering around the tracks for about an hour I felt like I needed a break, so I stopped off at Angus & Rose for an iced chocolate 🙂

Cafe & Crafts

Angus & Rose is a cafe that also doubles as a crafts centre for the kids. On top of that, there’s a rose garden that starts just to the side of the building and extends all the way around and behind it. I sat there for a while just jotting down ideas in my journal and admiring the beautiful setting ❤


That’s all for part 1; as you can see, there’s a lot to do at The Briars! Keep your eyes peeled for Part 2 which should be up tomorrow if all goes well. Happy travelling! ❤

Note: I’m testing out a new format today, so please let me know whether you prefer my posts like this or in the ‘gallery’ format (i.e. lots of pictures followed by a short paragraph). You can do this by either liking this post or letting me know in the comments/my other social media sites listed under the ‘Contact Me’ tab on my homepage… Thank you! ❤